Sunday, December 6, 2009

Please Touch Me

As I was putting our children's nativity sets up I was reminded of how the disciples tried to keep the children away from Jesus and he chastised them saying "Let the little children come to me".

And also how the woman was healed just by the hem of Jesus' garment sweeping over her hand. The boys are receiving a new nativity set in their advent pouches this year. I want them to be able to touch and play with the characters, to know them and to know their part in the Greatest Gift of all time. Never mind the fact that the set is rarely altogether in the same place at the same time. Around about the time we find the shepherd Mary has run off. Maybe they hired the same travel agent as last year. The shepherd keeps ending up in my bed for some reason. But that's okay, they are being played with and getting better acquainted.

Do you have a children's nativity set?

1 comment:

  1. yes yes yes! I love Nativity sets, but I want them in every room and all over the house. I think they are all so unique and I just really enjoy them. I have one set up specially for Morgan so she can play with it to her heart's content. I want them to be used and IS the reason for the season after all!


I love to hear your thoughts and reflections!