Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Torreon Days 3 & 4

Tuesday morning we sat in on devotions, the children say a pledge to the Christian flag, sing 2 songs and read Isaiah 9, then either Paul or Jason gives a devotion.  The children all stand in front of their desks with the utmost respect.  

 Tuesday we sewed, sewed, and sewed some more.  Here is Sheena's new dress.

Then in the late afternoon we took dinner over to the job site and fed children and adults out of the trunk of the car - whoever came, so long as there was food. We served hot dogs, potato chips, Kool-Aid, and candy. Pretty kid-friendly fare!

 This little guy wanted to make sure The Thinker took his picture "with the hot dog!"

 This is the house across the road from the work project.  This is one of the nicest houses that we saw in the area (save for AJ's).  Sadly though the mom has to work full time and the dad works for the railroad and is gone long stints at a time.  See the horse in the front yard?  Just roaming around!

 This is the project house - the part that was usable.
 Here you can see the guys have finished the outside of the project already.  I don't know about the roof at this point.
 Mr. Steady helping to finish the inside.
 Wednesday morning Karen stepped out of our door, looked down and very calmly said "Oh, there's a snake".  By the time I got my camera it had wriggled back out into the sun.  I think it was a garter but am not sure.  It definitely didn't have a rattle! :o)
 Janell helped the students make caramel apples and my boys got in on the fun as well.  Who wouldn't love an apple dipped in caramel and peanuts then drizzled with chocolate?

Wednesday night we got to walk to church again!  Praise the Lord!
 Another precious baby, I think he is about 4 months old.  We asked his momma to show us how the cradle boards stand up - he never woke up once!   Here he's just propped up against the wall.  The part by his feet can come untied and somehow the board can be made longer.  His momma offered to show us how but we wouldn't let her take the chance of waking him up.  They said the children can stay on these boards until they are 18 months and their feet will just be hanging off!

His mom had great black and white pictures for him to look at inside his head board.  I thought it was quite humorous to see this beautiful traditional Navajo cradle board with something so modern tucked inside.  The best of both worlds.

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