Saturday, April 16, 2011

Isn't Your Prayer Personal Enough Already?

"We live in the age of the personal, I think....We have personal soundtracks on portable personal sound sustems so we can sort of clear out our own personal space...We have personal computers, and we can hire personal shoppers - though I have to confess that I am still personally up to the task of disposing my personal income myself. 

We have personal identification numbers, and some of us have personalized license plates.  I heard on the radio an advertisement that says I have a personal banker, though we have never actually met.  And if you met me, you could tell by looking at me that I clearly have personal style that fits comfortably around my persona.

Once a quarter, I get a personal invitation in the mail to have my car's oil my personal mechanic, the one who works for the dealership that services my ultimate personal driving machine.  Actually, my car was made in Germany for someone else in 1986; it says so in my mechanic's personal files that he keeps on the personal driving habits of all the persons who have ever owned this car.

I take personal responsibility whenever I should, or at least when I have to, and I am personally convinced that I am on the planet to be my own person.

So it is not really a surprise that my personal prayer to my personal Savior is all too often about one person. 

We live in the age of the personal.  And personally, I am tired of it."

In Constant Prayer, Robert Benson

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