Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Little Things

Monica challenged us a while ago to make the ordinary extraordinary. Though she did so with very few words I need this challenge often. I get so caught up in the busy-ness of life I forget to put the special touches on things. Transferring the milk to a pitcher, using pretty napkins "just because", taking a warm muffin and a mocha to a friend are all ways we can remind our loved ones just how much we love them.
I took her up on the challenge while putting fresh sheets on the boys' beds. I turned down their beds, put out a fresh pair of pajamas and added a little bedtime treat. Typically they "make" their beds, get their own jammies out of the drawer, and of course don't have chocolate cookies right before bed. It won't hurt them one time to have a treat after they've brushed their teeth. They ate their treat while listening to their bedtime story. They were quite pleased. I also like to leave them little notes of praise on their pillows from time to time.
So now I am passing this challenge on to you. As we close out on the gray days of winter and transition into the longer, warmer days of spring, what can you do to make the ordinary into something extraordinary? Think of your family, friends, even strangers. Leave a comment or blog about it and let me know!


  1. U R N AWESUM MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. what a wonderful idea! i'll have to remember this for when i have kids! :0

  3. Jenni, you are a great mom! Thanks for the challenge!

  4. Love, love this thought. This is an area where I am really lacking with my the little things. Thanks for the encouragement!


I love to hear your thoughts and reflections!