Monday, December 26, 2011

Today's Tidbit of Helpful Information: 31 Biblical Virtues to Pray For Your Kids

This slip of paper I had have for quite a while, I used to help our associate pastor at our old church with PowerPoint presentations and such.  He wrote his notes for this particular month on the back of a copy of Bob Hostetler's "31 Biblical Virtues to Pray For Your Kids".  I saved it and have prayed through it several times over the years.  Perhaps with the new year coming up, we can purpose to cover our children in intentional prayer for the virtues of godly warriors.

Rather than type it all out for you again, I am going to send you to someone who has already done the work. :o)

I am in commando declutter mode around here. I have been clipping and saving little bits of helpful information throughout my married life....and that's it. Just saving them. Sometimes they are in my nightstand drawer, a folder, the junk drawer, the cookbook, etc. I know a great idea is to store them in a household binder but I am not even remotely interested in adding ANYTHING else to this house right now. So in an effort to rid my house of these little bits and bobs of paper, I'm going to post them here, like a cork own Pinterest, if you will.

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