Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Difference Between the Voice of God and the Voice of Satan

The voice of Satan is always loud and strong and calamitous.
But the voice of God is always quiet and persuasive.

The voice of Satan never deals with specifics but is often dealing with things in general terms.
The voice of God is always to the point.  The voice of God is specific and God is the not the God of confusion.

The voice of Satan is demanding and always trying to get an immediate decision.
The voice of God is always leading.  Time is always a great asset to know the voice of God.

The voice of Satan perplexes us, creates turmoil and mixes us up.
But the voice of God is always clear and distinctive.

The voice of Satan is never marked by a restful and peaceful spirit.
The voice of God gives us great rest of certainty.

The voice of Satan is always afraid of the Light of God and will draw back from it.
The voice of God is always open and willing for council and question.

The voice of Satan brings depression and discouragement.
But the voice of God brings great encouragement to the believer.

The voice of Satan appeals to the lower instincts and suggests "I want."
But the voice of God appeals to the higher instincts and suggests "I ought."

The voice of Satan disappears if the Christian refuses to listen to it.
But the voice of God grows stronger and stronger in my personal relationship with Him.

-Taken from a message by Gerhard Du Toit and shared with me by a dear Christian sister.

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