Thursday, April 21, 2011

You Can Actually Talk to the God of the Universe

"...Any sort of prayer is built around the permise that we are in conversation with the God of the universe...and if that is not marvelous and wondrous and mystical, then nothing anywhere is marvelous and wondrous and mystical.

A priest or a minister will say 'Let us pray,' and we will all just bow our heads as though nothing out of the ordinary was about to take place.  What is about to take place is that we are about to presume to talk to the One who made heaven and earth, and presume that we will be heard....'Hear us, good Lord,' we say together in one of the liturgies in the cathedral where I worship, and sometimes I want to add, 'Good Lord, He might hear us.'  There is something so astonishing about the whole notion of talking with God that sometimes I just want to lie down for a few minutes and catch my breath.  Every once in a while I will hear someone say, 'And so I just told told God that I needed this or that,' and I wonder how it is they are still standing up."

In Constant Prayer, Robert Benson

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